To continue a rich tradition of scholarly and informed performance, composition, and improvisation
UTSA Recital Hall - Casavant Frères
2 practice rooms with identical Visser-Rowland Mechanical Action Organs
Rosales Organ at University United Methodist Church
Schoenstein Organ at the University of Incarnate Word
current students
Dear Friends, we are extremely proud of the legacy left behind by Bess Hieronymus, the first woman offered full professorship at UTSA, and the founder of our UTSA Organ Program. With over 30 years of commitment to the University, she was influential in securing our Recital Hall organ, a mechanical action Casavant Frères aptly named in her honor in 2004. In addition, friends and colleagues donated and established a scholarship in her name in 1989. She left a legacy of students and excellence in the community and brought the UTSA organ program to national prominence.
We are at a turning point in our journey with newly appointed Bess Hieronymus Endowed Professor of Organ, S. Andrew Lloyd, and we are excited to continue Bess Hieronymus’ legacy.
With the advent of a new Performing Arts Center at UTSA, we will need to raise money for a new concert instrument, and practice instruments, as well as an endowment for a new generation of scholarships, not only for our undergraduate organ students, but also masters and doctoral candidates as well. With your help we can make UTSA and San Antonio a destination place for generations of organists to come.